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Custom Simple Print

This methodology works when you know how you want your printed map to look. Play around with it — there are always variations

4 required files:

  • print_nav.html
  • print.html
  • print.phtml
  • print_template.html

Basically, access to your custom printing is achieved from your main Chameleon app via a link widget, eg:

 <cwc2 type="Link" linktype="javascript" jsfunction="openPrintDlg" 
styleresource="NavButton" image="icons/icon_print.png" 
ImageTip="Print Your Current Map">
                     <image state="normal"/>
                     <image state="hover"/>
                     <image state="selected"/>

This widget will call a custom javascript function (in my case openPrintDlg):

function openPrintDlg()
 var szSID = document.forms[0].sid.value;
 var url = 'simpleprint.phtml?sid='+szSID;,'printwin','width=675,height=600,directories=no,location=yes,

As you can see ... this javascript function calls our simpleprint.phtml file and passes it the SID of our Chameleon app (very important!). simpleprint.phtml is a simple frameset:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


<frameset rows="27,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
 <frame src="print_nav.html" name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" 
noresize title="topFrame" >
 <frame src="print.phtml?sid=<?php echo $_GET['sid']; ?>" 
name="mainFrame" title="mainFrame" scrolling="yes">

-END FILE-------------------------------------

The reason for using a frameset will become clear in a bit. Our top frame includes our print navigation (eg):

.simplePrint {
 font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 9pt;
 font-weight: bold;
.helpNav {
 font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 9pt;
 font-weight: bold;
 border-bottom: 2px solid #000000;
 height: 27px;
 padding-left: 5px;
 padding-right: 5px;
 margin-left: 0px;
 margin-right: 0px;

<body bgcolor="#d4d4d4" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="helpNav">
   <td align="left" valign="middle"><a href="javascript:void(0);" 
class="simplePrint" target="mainFrame">Print Map</a></td>
   <td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="javascript:void(0);" 
class="simplePrint">Close Print</a></td>

-END FILE-------------------------------------

while our main frame is the actual Chameleon app we want to print (initialization file eg):

* Application: Chameleon Print Init file
* Revision:    $Id:
* Purpose:     Chameleon
* Author:      Jason Fournier (
* Copyright:

include( "/path/to/chameleon/htdocs/chameleon.php" );

$szTemplate = "print.html";
$szMapFile = "../map/";

class SimplePrint extends Chameleon
 function SimplePrint()
   $this->moMapSession = new MapSession_RW;
   $this->moMapSession->setTempDir( getSessionSavePath());

$oApp = new SimplePrint();
$oApp->CWCInitialize( $szTemplate, $szMapFile );
// Pass Any Vars you like here ....
$oApp->setVar( 'todayDate', date('r') );
$oApp->setVar( 'title', 'My Map' );

-END FILE-------------------------------------

As you can see from above, this is a standard Chameleon Initialization file .... which means that it can do anything a regular Chameleon app can do. I mention this because you can pass it (via a $_GET url perhaps) a title and then:

$oApp->setVar( 'title', $_GET['title'] );

The title can be set by the user in the main Chameleon app either using a special input textbox or even a javascript prompt.

The last file you need to have is the Chameleon template itself. Here is a VERY simple rendition:

* Application: Chameleon Print Template
* Revision:    $Id:
* Purpose:     Chameleon Template
* Author:      Jason Fournier (
* Copyright:

<cwc2 type="SharedResource" name="WaitImage">
   <waitimage language="en-CA" waitimage="images/spinner.gif" 
waitimagewidth="216" waitimageheight="50"/>
   <waitimage language="fr-CA" waitimage="images/spinner_f.gif" 
waitimagewidth="216" waitimageheight="50"/>



function myOnLoad()

body {

.h2 {
 font-family:  arial, helvetica, verdana,serif,sans-serif,monospace;
 font-size:  20px;
 font-weight: bold;

<body onLoad="myOnLoad()">
<form method="POST">

<table width="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <td><span class="h2">[$title$]</span></td>
    <td valign="top"><cwc2 type="MapDHTML"  bordercolor="#000000" 
visible="true" width="400" height="300" allowresize="true" 
marqueecolor="FF3333" marqueewidth="2" minscale="1"></cwc2></td>

-END FILE-------------------------------------

I have included our map and the title of the application. Some notes of interest at this point:

  • The size of the map is probably most easily controlled by including a different template depending on desired printed sizes. So you probably want to have the following templates:
    • sp_a5.html
    • sp_legal.html

The selection of the proper template can be done with a $_GET var:

if( $_GET['mapsize'] == 'sp_a5' )
   $szTemplate = 'sp_a5.html

etc. etc. You could also set this via the initialization file with MapScript ... but that's just making it more complicated probably.

  • The Chameleon application knows which map to use because of the SID. Whatever is shown on the main map at this point is what will be printed.
  • I use frames for this because I don't want to see the words 'Print' and 'Close Window' on my resulting pages. you could bypass the frameset (ie, two files) and go directly to the SimplePrint Chameleon app - nothing wrong with that technically speaking. I find the frame method to look more professional - especially since you can style it to look any way you want.
  • To recap:

    A Link widget in your main Chameleon application calls a small javascript function which opens a new window (or open in _self). this new window contains a frameset - the top being a small nav and the bottom frame being a Chameleon app. The Chameleon app gets the SID of the main app and shows whatever widgets are defined in the simple template.

    Created by: jfournier last modification: Wednesday 02 of February, 2005 [16:47:29 UTC] by jfournier

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