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Installing Chameleon

FAQ Questions

  1. What is the recommended Chameleon installation option for Windows users?
  2. What is the recommended Chameleon installation option for Linux users?
  3. Where can I get the latest development version of Chameleon?

FAQ Answers

Q: What is the recommended Chameleon installation option for Windows users?

A: Currently, the quickest, easiest installation option for Windows users is installing the MS4W (MapServer for Windows) package and then applying the Chameleon package over top. For further information, please go to the MapTools?.org project area for MS4W

Q: What is the recommended Chameleon installation option for Linux users?

A: For non-Windows users the best option for getting the latest Chameleon version is to download a Chameleon Source Code Package. These tar files require some configuration of the ./config/cwc2.xml file in order for Chameleon to function with your previously installed Web Server, PHP, and PHP_Mapscript software. These source code packages of Chameleon can be found under the Maptools Chameleon product download page.

Q: Where can I get the latest development version of Chameleon?

A: The Chameleon Source is maintained in the MapTools?.org CVS repository. The most recent source files are available there at any time, as well as all the previous versions' files. CVS access is intended for developers who want to build the source themselves. Remember that this is a development version of Chameleon and could be unstable at any time, without warning.

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