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How to add widget language

  1. Copy existing language file i.e. widgets/ZoomIn/ZoomIn.en-ca.txt and rename it to a name using the correct language designation i.e.
  2. Edit the new file using any text editor. The file will consist of individual lines of resources that are indexed using an index value followed by a ")". In the case of the ZoomIn widget the file currently only has two resources and looks like:
  3.    0)ERROR: No input type specified in 
       1)ERROR: Invalid input type specified in 
    In this example the two resources would be edited such that the indexes are maintained, but the text is translated. i.e.:
       0)<....translated to french....>
       1)<....translated to french....>
  4. Test the new language by changing the Chameleon application to that language and testing the widget.

Created by: wbronsema last modification: Tuesday 03 of January, 2006 [19:26:43 UTC] by wbronsema

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