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Installation of Chameleon

Base Requirements: ================== MapServer/MapScript 4.0 or greater GDAL 1.1.9 or greater PHP 4.2.3 or greater Apache or other web server Base Configuration: MapScript configuration from source (Unix) ========================================== If you downloaded a set of precompiled binaries (Windows or Solaris) then follow the instructions for the binary package that you downloaded and proceed directly to the next section: Chameleon Installation. NOTE: these instructions assume that you have PHP set up with your web server already. See the following page for details on MapScript build/install instructions: Configure MapServer with --with-wmsclient --with-proj --with-php=[your_php_directory] and --with-gdal as a minimum. make MapServer and place the mapscript/php3/ in your php extensions directory. Create a temporary directory for MapServer to create and publish images. For instance, create /tmp/ms_tmp/ configure your web server to be able to access this directory. For instance, create a symlink from /var/www/html/ms_tmp/ to /tmp/ms_tmp/ It is recommended that a cron job be created to delete the contents of this directory on a regular basis (hourly or daily depending on useage) Chameleon Core Installation: ======================= Extract the chameleon_[VERSION].tar.gz file on the server. These instructions are written as if this was in /opt/. This will create a chameleon_[VERSION] directory. Rename it to be chameleon/. You should have the following subdirectories: chameleon/ chameleon/config chameleon/data chameleon/htdocs chameleon/htdocs/common chameleon/htdocs/images chameleon/htdocs/widgets Configure your web server to be able to access /opt/chameleon/htdocs/. For instance create a symlink from /var/www/html/chameleon/ to /opt/chameleon/htdocs/. Make sure directory chameleon/data is writable by the web user. This is where cached capabilities and other temporary information will be stored for the duration of a user's session. Copy the file config/cwc2.xml-dist under the name cwc2.xml and edit it to suit your local settings (the web-based interface is not ready), these are most likely to need changing: - app_path -> /opt/chameleon/htdocs/ - server_data_path -> /opt/chameleon/data - wms_parse_file -> /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/wmsparse - default_template -> path or url to a user interface template file - default_context -> path or url to a context file that should be loaded by default - mapscript_module -> - tmp_*_path -> /tmp/ms_tmp/ - tmp_web_*_path -> /ms_tmp/ wmsparse is an optional WMS capabilities parser. Chameleon can use a PHP-based parser if wmsparse is not available, but it is much slower and can timeout on large capabilities documents. Follow the instructions for your platform/ configuration below to install WMSPARSE: Windows WMSPARSE install: If installing on Windows then Chameleon already comes with WMSPARSE.EXE preinstalled in the Chameleon directories. WMSPARSE install from source: If you are installing from source then you'll have to compile wmsparse and for this you will need libxml2 installed. Then you can do the following: cd /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/ make Solaris WMSPARSE install (precompiled binaries): If you installed the mapserver-363-40-sol28.tar.gz then it comes with a 'wmsparse' already compiled. Simply copy it to the CWC directory and make sure it is executable: cp /opt/mapserver/bin/wmsparse /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/ chmod +x /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/wmsparse

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